Sizes YXS $20.00 USDYS $20.00 USDYM $20.00 USDYL $20.00 USDS $20.00 USDMed $20.00 USDLg $20.00 USDXL $20.00 USD2XL $21.75 USD We are taking orders for our next run of Live Free with ERP t-shirts! These super soft cotton blend tees are pre-shrunk and are not see through. They are...

Simplifying the concept of “leaning in”
Exposure and Response Prevention or ERP is an evidence based therapy that is the gold standard treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and anxiety/panic based disorders. In short, you expose yourself to anxiety provoking stimuli/thoughts (obsession) and then prevent yourself from doing any behaviors (compulsions) that reduce the anxiety (response prevention)....